2020 In the Know Posts

February 2020

Alum from Google.
February 9, 2020
This year, 120+ students and alumni participated in our second annual Virtual Technical Practice Interview program, including 77 students and 45 alumni volunteers. Alumni and students reported having overwhelmingly positive experiences and look forward to doing it again!Read more
Talia from LitLife.
February 6, 2020
On February 6th, students and employers gathered for the Policy and Social Impact Industry Showcase hosted by CCE and Women in Law and Politics . The agency representatives ranged from careers in non-profit, education, government and international affairs. Panelists shared valuable insight into different career paths that play a role in policy-making.Read more

January 2020

Student Audience at My First Summer panel.
January 31, 2020
On January 24th, over 95 students came together in John Jay Lounge to learn about how to get started in your summer search process as a first-year student at Columbia.Read more
International alumni and student talking at international student panel event.
January 28, 2020
We invited international students to join a conversation on majors and careers with advisors from the Berick Center for Student Advising (CSA), the International Students and Scholars Office (ISSO), and the Center for Career Education (CCE), recognizing that each office provides unique and valuable advice to students as they explore and make decisions about majors and careers. These advisors work closely together on a cross-campus team focused on international students led by Multicultural Affairs in partnership with the International Students Advisors Board (ISAB). Highlights of this robust and rich conversation are below in Q&A format.Read more
2019 In the Know Posts

November 2019

November 21, 2019
By PETE BRIDGE In November, we traveled to Durham and Raleigh, North Carolina to connect with employers from the biotech, startup, and healthcare spaces in the region. These conversations focused on...Read more
Alumni of Color panel and networking event.
November 14, 2019
On November 14th, students and alumni gathered for the Student-Alumni of Color Career Panel and Networking event hosted by the Center for Career Education and the Black Alumni Council. The panelists...Read more
November 8, 2019
Got a question about work? Well, we’ve got the podcasts for you. Here, we’ve compiled three of our go-to podcasts for research and advice about how to thrive in the workplace. #1. Work...Read more

October 2019

Student at Advertising, Marketing, and PR (AMP) Industry Showase.
October 31, 2019
Let’s Talk About A Career In Marketing and Social Media By Grace Huntley , Communications and Event Management So you’ve seen marketing or social media internships or jobs advertised, but...Read more
October 29, 2019
On October 29 th , students and alumni gathered at the Center for Career Education for the annual Being Out in the Workplace Alumni Panel and Networking Event. The theme of the discussion this year was inclusion , and our panelists shared their journey and the impact being out in the workplace has had for themselves and others.Read more
Student and Employer
October 10, 2019
While many of us initially think of working as a doctor or nurse when considering healthcare professions, there are opportunities in advertising/marketing, pharmaceuticals, and software that are...Read more
October 2, 2019
We’ve picked a few of our favorite Agile methods that you can use in your internship or job search.Read more

April 2019

April 2, 2019
Virtual Intelligence is imperative in today’s work environments, whether you’re looking for a career in finance, health, business, or the non-profit sector. As the need for virtual interactions and online engagement rises domestically and globally, so does the need for virtual intelligent employees.Read more

March 2019

March 21, 2019
Whether you’ve landed an opportunity for this summer or you’re still searching, taking the proper steps to research the organization can pay off in the long-run.Read more
Student and Employer
March 6, 2019
Over 120 students gathered for our Engineering Industry Showcase on February 19, 2019 as part of Columbia’s E-week. The event, co-hosted and moderated by the Society of Hispanic Professional...Read more
March 1, 2019
The Summer Funding Programs application opened on March 1. Applications are due April 15, 2019 at 11:59 pm.Read more
