As you consider your options for gaining real-world experience, we have highlighted various types of opportunities for you to consider. These alternatives can help you to develop skills, build your network, explore careers, and expand your resume. Read on to explore how one or a combination of...
The latest Networking from Home series even focused on all things finance. We hosted representatives from Vanguard, SMBC, Mastercard, Novantas, and Bank of NY Mellon for a 1-hour networking session on Zoom. Students were able to get introduced to all the representatives through learning quick facts about their organizations and preferences. Then there were three rounds of breakout rooms that lasted about 15 minutes in length, where students were able to ask any questions they had about the finance industry.
Even in challenging times, there are always options to help others and build your skills. We’ve put together a list of ways you can keep your skills sharp and strengthen your candidacy for your next opportunity.
Over the past few weeks, our Employer and Alumni Relations team has connected with over 20 employers in the financial services industry to get the latest on this year’s recruitment landscape. Here’s what we learned.
Even as we all do our part to help flatten the curve, our current remote landscape also provides a unique opportunity to virtually connect with the others and build relationships.
Considering a summer research project? You have tons of research resources at your fingertips—even when you’re far from campus. CLIO , the CU libraries’ main search, gives you access to over 15 million catalogue items and almost 500 million articles. So, if navigating online research...
Relationships are essential, both in and out of work. Now more than ever the world is feeling the need for and the power of relationships. Understanding the relationships in your world of work is an important step towards being an effective worker. Each relationship that you have, has key aspects...
On February 27, multiple offices got together to celebrate our inaugural Academic Integrity Awareness Week which occurred on campus from February 24-28 in partnership with Columbia College and Columbia Engineering. There was ice cream, there were stories, free swag, and mingling with staff from the Berick Center for Student Advising (CSA), Center for Career Education (CCE), Undergraduate Research & Fellowships (URF), Academic Integrity, and Residential Life.
Where might your Columbia English major take you? Read on for insight from panelists at the English open house, as well as questions for reflection as you explore your career interests.
In late February, the History department brought together students, alumni, and faculty for a robust discussion in honor of major declaration. The department’s Director of Undergraduate Studies, professor Neslihan Şenocak, welcomed attendees to the event and facilitated two panels: one...
This year, 120+ students and alumni participated in our second annual Virtual Technical Practice Interview program, including 77 students and 45 alumni volunteers. Alumni and students reported having overwhelmingly positive experiences and look forward to doing it again!
On February 6th, students and employers gathered for the Policy and Social Impact Industry Showcase hosted by CCE and Women in Law and Politics . The agency representatives ranged from careers in non-profit, education, government and international affairs. Panelists shared valuable insight into different career paths that play a role in policy-making.