Graduate School

Depending on your goals, graduate school may be a means to further pursue your academic or research interests, prepare to enter a field of work, or advance your career.

These resources will help you reflect on factors to consider around attending graduate school and learn about researching programs, assembling a compelling application, and creating a timeline for applying to and making the most of your time in graduate school.


Creating an Undergraduate CV

Your curriculum vitae (CV) is a representation of your scholarly identity and trajectory in your field.  A CV is used to apply to research roles or other academic positions. It shows your academic credentials and achievements, experience conducting research in your field,...

Finding Your Best-Fit Graduate Program

So, you’ve determined that attending graduate school is the right next step for you. You’ve got a clear idea of what degree to pursue, and you know how it will help you take the next steps in your career journey. Now, it’s time to find the schools and departments that match your academic background, interests, and goals.

Inside the Graduate School Application

Your graduate school application will showcase your motivation and preparation for graduate study in the field and program you’re targeting. Learn what’s in the application and how each element fits into that story.

In the Know

Your Graduate School Personal Statements: How to Get Started

If you’re planning to apply for graduate school, chances are you’ll be asked to write one or several essays as part of your application. In our recent workshop, we broke down the basics on what these essays are and how to get started on yours. We answered questions such as: What is the...