Exploring Careers Relating to Human Rights


The Institute for the Study of Human Rights (ISHR) recently published a post on its blog, RightsView, summarizing a virtual career panel they held in late March. The post, by General Studies student Rowena Kosher, shares a detailed summary of the insight panelists provided into some of the roles and duties within this field. 

Who Was In the Room when it happened

Panelists spanned several industries and job functions, including research, consulting, and political affairs in academia, foundations, non-profits, NGOs, and startups. 

The four panelists were: 

“As people in the human rights field, we must constantly question our own biases, privileges, and assumptions.” -Norlander

Highlights from the panel

Panelists shared a variety of insights into human rights careers, entry points to the field, and the key skills required in their roles. A few highlights include:

  • Not all jobs require a law degree—so no, you don’t have to go to law school.
  • Partnerships and collaboration are a huge part of the work.
  • Soft skills are critical: Strong communication skills (written and oral), the ability to research and condense information, and problem solving.

Read the Full Report on the ISHR Blog

Read Kosher’s full post for more career advice and information from the panelists.