
CCE and Women in the Workplace

Many employers seek to increase their recruitment of women and promote and support women in their workplaces. Women, however, continue, to face unique challenges during the job/internship search and on the job. Some concerns that women at Columbia have shared with our office include:

  • Identifying companies that support and advance women
  • Initiating and building mentor relationships
  • Negotiating salaries throughout their careers
  • Getting promoted and recognized for their contribution

We are committed to supporting you with curated resources and one on one counseling appointments to help navigate these topics.

Columbia University Resources

There are many organizations, initiatives, and offices on campus to support women and provide opportunities and information including:

  • Columbia Women’s Business Society Alumnae Group
  • She Opened The Door - Columbia University Women’s Conference
  • Student organizations such as Columbia Women in Business Society, Society of Women Engineers, The Women’s Network: Columbia, Girls Who Code — Columbia, Women in Science at Columbia 
  • Office of Gender-Based Misconduct

Columbia undergraduates also have special access to the Forte Rising Stars program through the Forte Foundation, courtesy of Columbia Business School.

Identifying Organizations that Support and Advance Women at Work

There are many ways that organizations can support and advance women and support gender parity in the workplace including:

  • Offering mentorship programs
  • Supporting women-focused recruiting initiatives
  • Offering generous parental leave and flexibility policies
  • Prioritizing having women represented in leadership roles and in board positions
  • Providing back-to-work programs for women re-entering the workforce
  • Commitment to equal pay

When evaluating organizations, there are a number of questions you can ask yourself and the organization including:

  • Does the organization have a diversity statement that includes women? What, specifically, does it say?
  • What supports does the company have for women in the workplace, including affinity groups? Who is part of those groups?
  • Does the company share any numbers or data to support any claims of gender parity?
  • Are there mentorship or sponsorship programs at the organization for women?
  • What are the workplace policies for parental leave and flexibility?
  • Does the organization have a commitment to equal pay?
  • Who is in leadership roles? Who is in board roles? How long have they been in these roles?

You can also use many tools to evaluate an organization including:

  • Company websites and social media accounts
  • Coverage of the organization in the news
  • Corporate social responsibility initiatives
  • Corporate sponsorships (e.g., festivals, organizations, movements)
  • Using About Us/Staff pages and LinkedIn to look at those in leadership roles
  • Talking with current and former employees about their experiences at the organization
  • Observing gender dynamics and asking questions about company values and initiatives during the interview process

Additional websites to help you evaluate organizations:

Building Mentor & Sponsor Relationships

Throughout your career, it’s important to find people inside and outside of the workplace who can assist you in your professional growth. These relationships can vary, but often take two forms: mentors and sponsors.

A mentor is someone who can help develop a vision for your career, provide advice, help you see your potential, and listen to challenges and ideas you may be considering.

A sponsor might also do these things, however, sponsors are the individuals who will champion you, advocate for your success and value within your organization, and open doors. Often, it is sponsors who can protect you and help you to achieve raises and promotions.

Both mentors and sponsors can play a valuable role, and finding these individuals can aid in your progress. 

Outside of structured mentorship programs you might join, most mentor and sponsor relationships are built organically. The more you invest in these relationships, the further they will grow and support you as well as your sponsor or mentor.

What to Look For in Mentors/Sponsors


A mentor can be someone you have or have not worked for in the past. It could be a former supervisor, colleague, professor, upperclassman/student further along in an academic program, or advisor who knows you well and models the type of professional you aim to become. Your mentor is:

  • Someone who is a role model – whose career trajectory or professional approach you admire
  • Someone you trust and whose opinion and advice you value
  • Someone you can turn to during times of transition or challenge
  • Someone who can give you specific, actionable feedback


Finding a sponsor requires you to stand out in your work. Sponsors are staking their reputation to vouch for you, so be sure that you work hard and continue surpass expectations. By consistently performing at a high standard, both you and your sponsor can demonstrate and vocalize your value. Your sponsor:

  • Has seniority and credibility at your organization and the power and respect to get things done/ advocate for you
  • Shares your values and vision – you are working toward the same goals
  • Can refer and recommend you to opportunities, and open doors

Nurturing the Relationship

Mentorship and sponsorship are a two way street. Like any relationship, they take nurturing. You can:

  • Communicate clearly and regularly with mentors and sponsors
  • Follow through on recommendations, requests and expectations
  • Lend a hand/volunteer with your areas of expertise for your mentors or sponsors
  • Share successes and outcomes of your work and progress
  • Share information that aligns to their work or area of focus

Columbia Resources

Negotiating Salaries

Negotiation is a fundamental business concept — this may involve negotiating a starting salary, defining job responsibilities, or modifying a benefits package. 

To get started on the basics of the topic, tap into CCE’s resources on salary negotiation:

You can meet with a career counselor at any stage in your job search to talk about techniques for salary negotiation, build your skills in this area, and take steps to help end the gender pay gap.

Salary range research & negoTIATION tools: 

Additional Resources

These are some of our favorite resources for information, events, inspiration, and stories:


Young woman explaining something

Negotiating 101

It is often unclear whether the salary you are being offered is negotiable or not. To develop a successful negotiation strategy, it is important to understand what it’s appropriate to ask for. How Much Time Do I Have to Evaluate an Offer? When you receive an offer, you should...

Negotiating Salaries

Congratulations! Receiving an offer can be very exciting. When you receive a job offer, consider whether or not you wish to negotiate. Keep in mind the following factors as you approach the negotiation process.