Connect with Alumni

Columbia University has a vibrant alumni community with interesting, accomplished, and varied careers. Building relationships with alumni is a great way to learn, create a supportive professional community for yourself, and discover hidden opportunities. This page will walk you through some of the ways to connect with alumni.

Why should I connect with Columbia alumni?

Networking with alumni can help you:

  • Learn about how to prepare for career paths
  • Gain insight into industry trends and cultures of organizations
  • Get career advice from people who have been where you are
  • Learn about internship and job opportunities
  • Expand your professional network and community
  • Find mentors who can support you in your career journey

How can I connect with Columbia alumni?  

Networking with alumni can happen at events or direct outreach. You can connect with alumni through:

  • online alumni directories
  • virtual events
  • mentoring programs
  • LinkedIn groups
  • alumni profiles

Once you’ve connected, read on for tips on how to navigate your network, write your outreach messages, participate in events, and track your networking research. 

School-Specific AND All-School Resources for You to Consider:

Columbia College (CC)

If you’re a Columbia College student or alum, here are some school-specific resources:

  • Join the Odyssey Mentoring Program: Odyssey is an online community exclusively for College students and alum, managed by Columbia College Alumni Relations. You can connect with an alumni mentor for just-in-time advice or long-term mentorship.
  • Participate in Events: Check out upcoming events.
  • Check out the CC Alumni Directory: The online CC Alumni Directory allows you to search by name,  class year,  location,  company name and more.  
  • Explore the Columbia Alumni Association Online Alumni Community: By using the Online Alumni Community portal, you can search and connect with Columbia alumni across  Schools,  degrees, graduation years, regions,  interests, and more. There’s a Student Login and an Alumni Login. 


Contact for additional information on connecting with alumni.

School of Engineering (SEAS)
  • Participate in Events: Check out upcoming events.
  • Explore the Columbia Alumni Association Online Community: By using the Online Alumni Community portal, you can search and connect with Columbia alumni across  Schools,  degrees, graduation years, regions,  interests, and more. There’s a Student Login and an Alumni Login. 


Contact for additional information on connecting with alumni.

General Studies (GS)
  • Explore the Columbia Alumni  Association  Online Community: By using the Online Alumni Community portal, you can search and connect with Columbia alumni across  Schools,  degrees, graduation years, regions,  interests, and more. There’s a Student Login and an Alumni Login. 
  • Participate in Events: Check out upcoming events


Contact for additional information on connecting with alumni.

All Schools


  • Explore the Columbia Alumni Association Online Community:   By using the Online Alumni Community portal, you can search and connect with Columbia alumni across  Schools,  degrees, graduation years, regions,  interests, and more. There’s a Student Login and an Alumni Login. 
  • Learn about Alumni  Clubs: There are domestic, international, and special interest alumni clubs. Also, check out the alumni events calendar for upcoming global events.   
  • Browse Alumni Profiles: We have profiles of talented CC, SEAS,  and GS  alumni who have shared their career stories, offered unique career insights, provided a viewpoint into the multitude of career options. 
  • Join a LinkedIn Group: Once you’re in a LinkedIn group with an alum, it’s possible to reach out to them through the group even if you’re not otherwise connected. Click into the group, view the list of members, and search for the alum you’ve discovered through your research. Next, you can write them a personalized message.
  • Apply to Positions on LionSHARE: Many alumni post positions on LionSHARE and champion the hiring of Columbia students at their organizations. Alumni understand the value of your learning experiences and can advocate for your unique skills in their workplaces.


  • Apply to the Virtual Practice Interview Program: The Virtual Practice Interview Program is a chance for you to prepare and practice interviewing for an upcoming internship or full-time job opportunities. You will have the opportunity to practice interviewing with a Columbia University alum and receive real-world feedback in real-time. 
  • Consider the CCE  Alumni  Mentoring Program (CAMP): CAMP provides a unique opportunity for you to develop key professional and practical skills while also participating in an internship,  fellowship, research,  and/or volunteer opportunity in any field. If you have secured a  professional summer opportunity, you can apply to CAMP, which will give you access to an alumni mentor, provide professional development training and ongoing support,  and connect you with a   cohort of professionals. 
  • Register for Career Fairs: Alumni often participate in recruitment events like career fairs.  See the CCE Events calendar for details about upcoming events.