CCE Alumni Mentorship Program (CAMP)

A student working in a laboratory.

The CCE Alumni Mentorship Program (CAMP) provides a unique opportunity to develop key professional and practical skills while also participating in an internship, fellowship, research and/or volunteer opportunity in any field. 

If you have secured a professional summer opportunity, you can apply to CAMP, which will give you access to an alumni mentor, provide professional development training and ongoing support, and connect you with a cohort of professionals.  

Program Features

After securing your own experiential summer opportunity, you can apply to join CAMP to participate in the following program features:

  • Pre-Program Training, including internship guidance, goal-setting, and more
  • Networking with fellow CAMP students and alumni
  • Ongoing career support throughout the summer experience
  • Alumni Mentor to provide personal and professional guidance throughout the summer
  • Reflection Exercise to further support career exploration
  • Reflection Session to enhance skills and confidence when leveraging summer experience in career exploration and job/internship search moving forward
Program Benefits

Upon completion of CAMP,  you will have:

  • Developed a goal-setting framework
  • Tools to identify and pursue future career goals  
  • A more robust professional network of alumni and peers within your industry

You’re eligible to join CAMP if you have secured and accepted an experiential opportunity (i.e. internship, fellowship, externship, research , volunteer). 

You must be a full-time, currently enrolled student in Columbia College, The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, or the School of General Studies.

*By submitting an application, you authorize the Center for Career Education to conduct academic and disciplinary checks to confirm program eligibility. Certain University policy violations may disqualify you from consideration for the program.

Application Process

Once you secure a professional opportunity for the summer, you are eligible to apply for CAMP through the online application form

Please note it is required that all applicants secure an opportunity before applying to CAMP.

Application Deadline:  Monday, April 21, 2025 by 11:59PM