Interested in hearing about your peers’ experiences in their internships? Want to learn about the successes of your classmates? Student experiences give you a glimpse of various opportunities you can participate in!

Funding Programs
Headshot of Gulnaz Bibi
Funding Programs
Headshot of Steven Hankins
Funding Programs
Headshot of Naila Julien
Funding Programs
Headshot of Toby Tan
Funding Programs
Headshot of Serrina Zou
Funding Programs
Headshot of Lucas Martins Barreto Alves
Funding Programs
Headshot of Lucas Martin Barreto Alves
Funding Programs
Headshot of Mathis Roy Vigne
Funding Programs
Headshot of Yelissa Lopez
Funding Programs
Headshot of Catherine Alexander
Funding Programs
Headshot of Sagar Castleman
Funding Programs
Headshot of Valerie Rogel
Funding Programs
Headshot of Bernard Wang
Funding Programs
Headshot of Claire Nottman
Funding Programs
Headshot of Andre Mitidieri
