This summer, Marissa Green (Associate Director of Employer and Alumni Relations) journeyed to Austin, Texas to meet with employers working in Tech, Startups and more!
Austin, Texas is projected to be the fastest-growing large metro area in the United States by 2028, and from talking to Columbia students, we know it’s already a top choice city for alumni to move to post-gradaution. From top finance & tech firms to community-driven startups & nonprofits, Austin has amazing opportunities to offer those seeking to start or grow their careers (as long as they’re not afraid of a little heat!)
In order to capture the diversity of employers in Austin, we met with traditional employers and visited a startup & entreprenueriship hub. We visited:
Each of these organizations provided us with incredible insights into the Austin job market, recruiting expecations for interns & new grads and information for Columbia entreprenuers so we wanted to synthesize this information and highlight some key takeaways for anyone seeking a career in the tech, startups, or any other relevant industries.
Key Takeaways
Academic Accomplishments
Whether you’re interested in tech roles or not, having the appropriate skills and high academic achievement is paramount. The recruiters we spoke to in Austin were very clear that they look for outstanding achievement both in and outside of the classroom, meaning they look for candidates that have strong academic accomplishments and can showcase profeciency in the required skillsets for the role. In a highly competitive job market, you don’t have to just be familiar and profecient with the skills employers want - you need to be better at them than the other applicants.
However, employers aren’t only looking at hard skills and academic honors — they’re also looking at soft skills; like how well applicants are able to communicate their passion for the industry and if they have the right personality to work with internal and external clients.
Applications & Personal Branding
The employers we spoke to were clear that whether students are applying for internships or full-time roles, they are expected to submit high quality application materials in order to be considered. We had frank discussions about the competitiveness of the Austin job market, and how Columbia students are uniquely equipped to be successful in their search.
Delanee Niles from the CS DISCO Early Talent team stressed that they look for students with a high GPA in addition to leadership experience, previous internship and project experience and a true passion for the work. Their Emerging Leader Internship and Emerging Leader Rotational Program are both highly selective, but they foster a unique opporunity to impact the business very early in one’s career.
Cidnye Work and Kim Vo, Talent Acquisition team members at Whole Foods, let us know that they consider many different aspects of a candidate’s experience that go beyond lists of hard & soft skills which can include projects, previous work experience, and passion for their industry. They are looking for candidates that can authentically share in Whole Foods’ mission “to nourish people and the planet.” Whole Foods is hosting a virtual event series this fall and have invited Columbia students to attend. Interested students can learn more and register HERE.
Grace Rigdon from Capital Factory educated us on all the different ways there are to build community in Texas and beyond. Having a strong professional network is key to learning about new opportunities, and having an understanding of how to set yourself apart from competition, and finding resources — whether you’re applying to an internship or founding a start-up. Capital Factory provides co-working spaces, but also mentoring programs, social and professional networking events, and even ways to connect with potential investors.
Columbia Connections
Columbia Connections:
Employers in Austin boasted many connections with the Columbia University community. There were distinguished alumni, current and former interns, and even current leaders who are Columbia alumni. These organizations maintain close relationships with the university, highlighting their familiarity with the high-achieving and diverse Columbia student population. While Capital Factory doesn’t participate in traditional recruiting, you’ll see both CS DISCO and Whole Foods join us for in person and virtual events this fall.
One new CS DISCO staff member (a CC ‘23 grad!) explained to us how instrumental the Center for Career Education was in connecting her with opportunities like the one she took at CS DISCO. Attending Career Fairs and on-campus interview sessions allowed her to learn about this innovative, and impactful company. While she started out working from their NYC location, she’s so happy she made the move to Austin and encourages any interested Columbia alumni to do the same!
Capital Factory was very proud to let us know that in 2013 they hosted President Obama (CC ‘83) for a discussion about entreprenuership and innovation in Austin. The company, and the city, have grown tremendously since then.

Austin Final Thoughts
Austin, Texas has a wealth of opportunities for students wanting to explore almost any industry; we were able to just scratch the surface of what is out there! Austin is a dynamic, innovative city with outstanding opportunities for young professionals. While the employers we visited were quick to talk about how competitive their programs are, we are confident that Columbia students can rise to the challenge and showcase how their diverse and rigorous experiences equip them for success.
Don’t forget to check LionSHARE for upcoming career fairs, info sessions, coffee chats, and other recruiting opportunities organized by the Center for Career Education. To stay informed about these events and other fall programming by following us on social media @columbiacce. We look forward to seeing you take advantage of these exciting opportunities and make the most of your Columbia experience!