Columbia College Summer Funding Program

Students tour Major League Soccer.

****Thank you for your interest in Summer Funding Programs. 

  1. We are now accepting applications to the summer funding programs (including the summer Work Exemption Program). Click here to review application instructions!
  2. The summer funding application deadline is April 14, 2025 at NOON.
  3. Late and incomplete applications will not be considered.
  4. It is your responsibility to ensure that your letter writer submits their recommendation and your employer submits their verification by the application deadline.
  5. If you are applying to fund an overseas opportunity, you must also submit a school sponsorship application as part of the Undergraduate International Travel Policy by April 14th. ****


The Columbia College Summer Funding Program provides funding to Columbia College students participating in unpaid or low-paid summer internships related to their career pursuits and/or academic studies. 


(Dated MARCH 6, 2025)

Please carefully review the eligibility for the Summer Funding Programs and Work Exemption Program by visiting each program from our Funding Programs page. Please read the guidelines below and connect with us via if you have further questions.  Remember we are here to support you during the application process.

  • Students planning overseas travel should refer to the Undergraduate International Travel Policy website for general information and specific details on Summer 2025 Travel.  Applicants with a global opportunity should follow the application instructions to submit a School Sponsorship application.
  • In pursuing a Columbia-funded summer opportunity, you are responsible for coordinating with the organization that is sponsoring your opportunity to make sure they are ensuring compliance with any requisite visa and/or other work authorization requirements, depending on the nature and location of the opportunity.
  • We encourage all students with financial need to select “yes” to the first question on the application form which asks if they wish to be considered for the Work Exemption Program. If you are eligible for a WEP grant, you can apply to be considered for BOTH WEP and Summer Funding Program award.

Through the Columbia College Summer Funding Program students are awarded stipends via a competitive process that includes a written application and review by a committee of College staff from across campus.

The Columbia College Summer Funding Program: 

  • Supports undergraduate students who have secured unpaid or low-paid summer internships. (Low-paid is defined as compensated at less than the equivalent of New York State minimum wage — less than $16.50/hr)
  • Provides stipends ranging from $500 to $6,500 based on the nature of the internship and demonstrated student need
  • Provides support primarily for not-for-profit, arts, government, public health, scientific research, and community outreach internship experiences.

All qualified students who apply to the Columbia College Summer Funding Program and receive Columbia grant-based financial aid with a summer work expectation (Student Contribution) are encouraged to also apply for a Work Exemption Program (WEP) grant. Students do not need to submit a separate application to the Work Exemption Program. Simply check the Work Exemption Program box at the start of your funding program application form to be considered. The WEP grant will replace a student’s summer work expectation (Student Contribution). 


Columbia College Summer Funding Program awards are made possible thanks to the generosity of Columbia College alumni/ae, parents, and friends. Students selected to receive an award will be matched with one of the following funds based on the fund criteria.


  • Alumni Summer Internship Fund — for students pursuing unpaid or low-paid summer internships
  • Andrew Hyman Fellowship in Public Service Fund — for students pursuing U.S.-based internships in the public sector, including government, community, and public service
  • Anuj Jain Internship Fund for students pursuing unpaid or low-paid summer internships or research opportunities
  • Class of 1954 Internship Stipend Fund — for rising juniors or seniors with a preference for students pursuing internships in government or not-for-profit organizations
  • Brian M. Chang Public Service Internship Fund — for students working at a non-profit, focusing on public/community service
  • Derek Wittner Internship Fund — for students pursuing summer internships
  • Donald Margolis Internship Fund — for students pursuing unpaid or low-paid summer internships
  • Eric H. Holder Jr. Initiative for Civil and Political Rights Internship Fund — for students with unpaid or low-paid summer internships at non-profit and non-governmental organizations that are engaged in aspects of equal protection, equal rights, civic engagement, leadership and democracy, social justice, inequality, and voting rights
  • EUGENE Group Korea Scholars Program Fund — for students pursuing summer internships in South Korea, with a preference for non-residents of South Korea
  • Feder Family Internship Fund — for students pursuing unpaid or low-paid summer internships
  • Goldman Family Fellows Research Fund — for students pursuing summer research opportunities
  • Harold F. Linder Summer Internship Fund — for students pursuing internships at companies or organizations that employ Columbia College alumni
  • Kevin D. Eng & UnHae Song Foundation Internship Fund for students pursuing unpaid or low-paid summer internships or research opportunities
  • Lorin Family Internship Fund — for students pursuing unpaid or low-paid summer internships
  • Lubar Internship Fund — for students pursuing unpaid or low-paid summer internships, with first preference for opportunities in Latin America and second preference for international opportunities related to economic development
  • Matthew and Michaela Nelson Internship Fund — for students pursuing science research
  • Mei Yee and Raymond Chung Internship Fund for students pursuing unpaid or low-paid summer internships or research opportunities
  • Ng Teng Fong Student Internship Fund — for students pursuing internships in business with a preference for students who are residents of China or Hong Kong
  • Pritzker Pucker Summer Internship Fund — for students, regardless of financial need, pursuing summer internships in art, media, culture, and technology
  • Rachelefsky Family Research Fellowship Fund — for students pursuing summer research opportunities
  • Roeloffs Family Internship Fund for students pursuing unpaid or low-paid summer internships or research opportunities
  • Samdani Summer Experience Fund  — for students pursuing summer experiences in science, technology, engineering, or medicine (STEM), with a preference for students who belong to any group that is underrepresented in these fields
  • Tong Summer Experience Fund  — for students pursuing unpaid or low-paid summer internships
  • William Carl Fels and Harriet Fels Price Internship Fund for students pursuing unpaid or low-paid summer internships or research opportunities

Funds restricted to COLUMBIA COLLEGE Students who receive grant-based Financial Aid 

  • Anonymous Internship Fund — for students pursuing internship opportunities
  • Clark Tandon Family Fund — for students pursuing summer internships with a preference for students who have an interest in creative writing
  • Herman Family Foundation Summer Internship Fund — for students pursuing unpaid public sector international internships
  • Robin D. and William N. Hubbard Internship Fund — for students pursuing internships at organizations that support environmental conservation and population and family planning
  • Roger Lehecka Summer Internship Fund — for rising seniors pursuing unpaid summer internships
  • Silverman Family Internship Fund — for rising juniors and seniors pursuing unpaid summer internships


Institutional funding through this program is made available with the sole intention of supporting students’ living expenses (such as housing, food, and travel expenses). This support enables students to participate in unpaid or low-paid opportunities.  Funding is not provided in lieu of compensation for work and supervisors are required to acknowledge in the Employer Verification Form that participating organizations are compliant with the US Department of Labor’s Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and other applicable state and local legislation.


Here are a few suggestions to search for unpaid or low-paid internships.

CriteriaColumbia College Summer Funding ProgramWork Exemption Program
Currently registered Columbia College student in good academic and disciplinary standing 



Rising sophomore, junior or senior^



Minimum 3.0 GPA


Recipient of Columbia grant-based financial aid *



Secured an unpaid or low-paid summer internship prior to the application deadline. (Low-paid is defined as compensated at less than the equivalent of New York State minimum wage — less than $16.50/hr)



Work commitment of at least 20 hours/week during the summer (for partial funding/WEP grant)



^First semester seniors who will be returning for their second semester in the Fall are eligible for Summer Funding Programs (second semester seniors are not eligible). Please reach out to the Summer Funding Programs Committee at to ensure that your application is reviewed accordingly.

* Many Columbia College Summer Funding Program donors require that selected students are recipients of Columbia grant-based financial aid. If you are unsure if you receive grant-based financial aid, please contact the Office of Undergraduate Financial Aid & Educational Financing.

The following opportunities are not eligible for the columbia college summer funding program or work exemption program:

  • Any opportunity that is a component of an academic program of study or for which course credit is being offered (including research conducted for the sole purpose of a senior thesis project). Applicants who are enrolled in the Columbia College summer fieldwork class are eligible to apply and should indicate enrollment in their application.
  • Any opportunity that is not compliant with the US Department of Labor’s Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Employers must sign and acknowledge compliance when completing the employer verification form.
  • On-campus extra-curricular activities (exceptions include CU EMS and the Double Discovery Center)

  • Any academic or experiential endeavor that requires a student to pay to participate in the program

  • Opportunities that support partisan political activity or that involve proselytizing, preaching, or missionary work on behalf of a religious organization

  • An opportunity where you will be supervised by a classmate, peer, family member, or friend

  • This program does not provide funding for students planning or working on their own startups


Program availability

The Columbia College Summer Funding Program accepts applications for unpaid or low-paid summer internships only. 

Application deadline

Monday, April 14, 2025, at 12:00 noon (ET). Click here to review application instructions!


The current plan is to share notifications the week of Monday, May 5, 2025. For accepted students, we want to get the funds to students as quickly as possible; however, due to various University procedures in place to distribute stipends, we anticipate that students will receive their funding by the end of May.


I need to confirm acceptance to my internship program prior to the  APPLICATION Deadline. Can the Committee review my application early?

We cannot review your application prior to the deadline. Applications are reviewed collectively by a committee that meets after the application deadline. The timeline for applications is based on internship deadlines for the majority of students.

I do not receive Financial Aid; however, I can demonstrate FInancial need. Can I still apply?

We encourage you to submit an application. There are a handful of donor funds that do not require students to be in receipt of Columbia grant-based financial aid. 

Can I apply to both THE COLUMBIA COLLEGE SUMMER FUNDING PROGRAM and the Work Exemption Program?

All qualified students who apply to the Columbia College Summer Funding Program are encouraged to also apply for a Work Exemption Program (WEP) grant. Students do not need to submit a separate application to the Work Exemption Program. Simply check the Work Exemption Program box at the start of your funding program application form to be considered. The WEP grant will replace a student’s summer work expectation (Student Contribution). 

My internship provides a modest stipend. Am I eligible to apply?

Yes. The committee will consider funding students with low-paid internships. Low-paid is defined as compensated at less than the equivalent of New York State minimum wage — less than $16.50/hr.

How competitive is the COLUMBIA COLLEGE SUMMER FUNDING program?

The Columbia College Summer Funding Program is highly selective and funding is limited. Interested students are encouraged to submit a strong, well-written personal statement that clearly articulates their internship and their goal in pursuing their opportunity.


Deadlines for the Summer Funding Programs are set after carefully considering a date that will allow the greatest number of students an opportunity to take advantage of the program.  The funding program committee aims to notify students of a decision on their application with enough time for them to consider their employment plans if they are not selected for the program.

The funding program committee begins reviewing applicants immediately following the application deadline.  Students who are selected for the program are chosen within the context of the applicant pool for that semester and additional, individual reviews for students who miss the application deadline are not offered. We do not offer extensions to the deadline. 


If you will be waiting to receive a final offer of employment at the time of the application deadline please contact the funding program committee directly at to discuss where you are in the interview process.  Because the committee meets to review applicants immediately following the deadline, extensions to the deadline are not offered.


If you will be pursuing more than one internship, research, or volunteer opportunity during the semester or summer you may apply for a funding program award to support these multiple opportunities. At the start of the application, you will be asked to select how many opportunities you have. Based on your selection, you will then have the ability to enter application information for up to three opportunities. Please review our website for application instructions and ensure that you respond to the personal statement prompts for both opportunities. It will also be important to discuss how you will manage your time pursuing multiple professional endeavors. Your supervisors will each need to submit  Employer Verification forms detailing your work commitment at each organization.  You only need to submit one letter of recommendation and budget form (during the summer). 

I received a FUNDING PROGRAM award last year. Can I apply again?

As long as you meet all of the eligibility requirements, you can apply again for funding.

Would you recommend submitting a letter of recommendation from a professor or an employer?

Your letter of recommendation should come from the person who knows you best, can speak well of your academic, extracurricular, and professional accomplishments, and who can comment on your character such as a professor, advising dean, or supervisor. We advise against asking a teacher/coach from high school to write your recommendation. Letters of Recommendation should not be written by the supervisor of your potential opportunity unless that person has already supervised you previously. We will not accept letters of recommendation written by family members, friends, resident hall advisors, student leaders, members of student organizations, or classmates. Your letter of recommendation must be on official letterhead, dated, and signed. 

If you are reapplying to receive the WEP grant for an opportunity for a consecutive semester (such as summer continuing into fall; fall continuing into spring; spring continuing into summer) you must submit a new recommendation for the same opportunity. 

Where have previous award recipients interned?

In past summers, recipients have interned locally, nationally and internationally at organizations such as The Alvin Ailey Dance Foundation in NYC, Boston Children’s Hospital, the Center for Microfinance in India, Engineers without Borders in Uganda and Ghana, the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs in NYC, the Women’s Foreign Policy Group in Washington DC, and numerous laboratories and research centers on Columbia’s campus.

Are there any fellowships that would cover expenses for a winter break and /or spring semester unpaid internship?

Eligible students can apply to the Work Exemption Program for exemption of their in-school work expectation during the fall and spring semesters. The Fellowships Office also has a comprehensive database of opportunities and their staff are available to meet with students.

Are there additional funding sources available to supplement a COLUMBIA COLLEGE SUMMER FUNDING PROGRAM award?

Yes, there are numerous fellowships and grants available to fund summer opportunities. The Fellowships Office also has a comprehensive database of opportunities and their staff are available to meet with students. Students could also reach out to professors, departmental administrators, and teaching assistants to learn of fellowships and/or awards in their field of study.

I am not eligible to apply to THIS PROGRAM. I really want to do an unpaid internship this summer; however, without funding, it will not be possible for me to pursue this opportunity. What do you recommend?

The Fellowships Office also has a comprehensive database of opportunities and their staff are available to meet with students. Students could also reach out to professors, departmental administrators, and teaching assistants to learn of fellowships and/or awards in their field of study.


The reflection project is completed and submitted at the end of the semester.  The project allows you to showcase and express your experience in a way that best suits your interest. The primary focus of this exercise should be on the professional experience you are having. Your project can be any of the following: video, blog or journal, essay, social media posts, Big Interview practice interview.