Making a (Personal) Statement

Employees and volunteers at Bronx Defenders pose for a group photo

The Summer Funding Programs provide funding to Columbia College and Columbia Engineering undergraduate students participating in unpaid or low-paid summer internships related to their career pursuits and/or academic studies.

This spring, our In the Know blog features a series of posts designed to help you navigate the application process and put your best foot forward.

When applying to the Summer Funding Programs, the most important part of your application is the personal statement. The statement is your chance to present a compelling case for a substantive opportunity that creates synergy between your academic coursework, personal interests, and professional goals.

Accordingly, we strongly encourage you to be thoughtful in crafting your personal statement. Remember to address each prompt and answer each question thoroughly. We recognize that some information might not be finalized as you coordinate with the organization. If  you cannot fully answer one of the prompts, be sure to explain why you are unable to answer it; if you omit that information, the Committee may think you forgot to address that item. To the extent possible, you should provide an explanation regarding any pending items.

The personal statement prompts are provided below. Your statement should be limited to three pages, double-spaced. Include the prompts in your essay to ensure you answer all questions thoroughly. We encourage you to make an appointment or stop by Quick Questions to review your personal statement with a career counselor before submitting your application. 

Personal Statement Prompts

Description of the Opportunity

  • Describe the organization, your role, and responsibilities.
  • Describe your duties, projects to be completed, and deadlines.
  • Explain why you want to intern at this organization.

Learning Objectives

  • What do you intend to learn from this experience?
  • What are your goals and how do they align with your academic interests and/or career plans?


  • Describe the supervision you will receive; detailing the frequency of meetings and planned communication. If you are applying for a remote opportunity, please detail how you and your supervisor will ensure routine communication and the completion of tasks and projects.
  • What kind of instruction, assistance, and training will you receive and from whom?
  • Explain how and when you will be evaluated.

*We understand that some of this information might not yet have been finalized between you and your supervisor. Please address this prompt to the best of your ability and provide an explanation regarding any pending items that have not yet been determined or on which you are awaiting confirmation.


  • Explain why you should be considered for this program.
  • Explain how your plans will be affected if you do not receive funding.
  • Address your commitment to submitting a reflection project, which will be required at the end of the semester. 

NOTE: If you are reapplying for an opportunity that is continuing into the next semester, explain if your duties or projects will be changing or if you will be assuming any additional levels of responsibility. Include information about why you are interested in continuing your work at this particular organization. With regards to learning objectives, please respond to these questions: 

  1. What did you originally intend to learn through this experience and how have these learning objectives been met?
  2. How have these learning objectives changed or developed?
  3. What new goals have you set for yourself?
  4. How has this experience impacted your academic interests and/or career goals? Additionally, note when and how you have been evaluated and if this supervisory experience will change or remain the same in the upcoming semester. 

Key Steps and Reminders:

  • Your personal statement is the most important part of your application. This is your opportunity to make your case.
  • Address each prompt and answer each question thoroughly.
  • If anything is still pending or unconfirmed, please indicate that in your personal statement so the Committee knows you haven’t skipped any questions.
  • The statement is limited to three pages, double-spaced.

Find out more about applying to the Summer Funding Programs at these other In the Know posts: