In case you missed it, here’s a look back at our Live Q&As
Our Instagram Live Q&A series continued this semester with timely conversations about all things career and recruiting this fall. To wrap up 2021, we’re recapping this fall’s Live Q&As.
Watch the recordings of these Lives by clicking the link in the header.
What’s going on with employers, hiring, and recruiting in Fall 2021?
We were joined by Andrew Knutson of our Employer & Alumni Relations team. We covered trends in recruiting, industry recruiting timelines, and upcoming opportunities to connect with companies and interview via CCE.
Back to campus with CCE
Career counselors Tracy McGarry joins to highlight what you need to know about CCE services and programs for our first semester back on campus.
Recruiter says … How to stand out at recruiting & networking chats
To kick off the fall recruiting cycle, we were joined by Steffani Paletta, Director of Recruiting at consulting firm Alvarez & Marsal, to learn from a recruiter’s perspective, how a student can standout at virtual networking and recruiting events.
Preparing for identity-based career alumni panels
CCE’s very own Hannah Tenadu leads a conversation discussing diversity recruiting and alumni identity-panels with Malik Johnson CC’22, Jules Richart Nova CC’23 and Yasna Vismale CC’22.
Gaining experience is more than internships
Special guests from Undergraduate Global Engagement, Undergraduate Research & Fellowships, and the Center for Student Advising joined us to talk about all the ways students can gain experience beyond an internships. They shared stories about students who took up programs and opportunities available via their offices. Take a listen to hear about those opportunities and how you they can help you build skills!
A word from a recruiter to the Class of 2022
Recruiter Stephen Tesoro of Tata Consultancy Services joins us to talk about the way seniors can stand out as applicants for full-time roles. With years of recruiting experiences, Stephen shares advice you won’t want to miss.
Spring Search IG Live
We closed out the semester by talking about ways that students can prepare for a job or internship search this coming spring. CCE staff including a career counselor, experiential education program manager, and employer relations specialist came together to highlight our services available to students in the search. We also discussed how the spring recruiting season differs from the fall and highlighted Internships+, an internship program available exclusively for Columbia undergraduates.