My name is Gulnazik, and I am from a small village in Kyrgyzstan called Kerben. I first came to the U.S. as a State Department exchange student, studying at Woodside High School in the Bay Area of California. With a passion for learning and exploring cultures, I am pursuing a Political Science degree, specializing in International Relations and Comparative Politics. My passion lies in advocating for social justice and empowering women through initiatives like co-founding a nonprofit, "Kel Chai Ich," to support young Kyrgyz women in pursuing higher education. I’ve also researched issues like labor exploitation and outdated educational systems in Central Asia, presenting my findings at the Stanford Honors Symposium. As a research assistant under Dr. Mashura Akilova at the School of Social Work, I contribute to a study on Central Asian immigrants in the U.S. and collaborate with UNICEF on a social work training program in Kyrgyzstan. Beyond academics, I enjoy fostering connections, organizing cultural events, and mentoring others, blending creativity and diplomacy in all that I do.
Gulnazik Bakhramova
Peer Ambassadors