The Center for Career Education (CCE) is available to students from their first day of classes at Columbia and for life. We encourage students to connect with us in their first year to learn about our services and programs and develop personalized career plans that integrate career development and experiences in meaningful and balanced ways into their lives. 

We provide:

  • Individual career counseling
  • Skill development workshops
  • Employer events
  • Access to jobs and internships

CCE Services and Resources

Online Career Resources

Parents Recruiting Columbia Students

CCE encourages you to consider hiring Columbia students and alumni for your organization.  Reach out directly to us or connect us with the Human Resources team at your organization.  

The Employer and Alumni Relations team at CCE will help you advertise your positions and recruit the best Columbia candidates for your company.

For more information about programming for CC and SEAS parents, inclduing programs we have hosted or joined for families see Family Engagement and the Family Engagement Recordings.